The Ultimate Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Checklist

If you’re running a business, then you know that increasing your conversion rate is essential to your success. After all, if people aren’t buying from you, then you’re not making any money! And while there are many things you can do to boost your conversion rate, it’s important to start with the basics. That’s where the Ultimate Conversion Rate optimization (CRO) Checklist comes in.

This checklist will help you make sure that you’re doing everything possible to increase your conversion rate. It includes tips for designing effective landing pages to optimize your checkout process. So whether you’re just starting with CRO or doing it for years, this checklist will help you take your business to the next level.

1. Content

Is your content easy to consume?

Your Most Important Content Stands Out

Creating appealing visuals, formatting text in an easy-to-read format, using color to capture attention, and heavily featuring calls to action throughout the page, Will ensure that visitors are presented with the content you want them to focus on.

On top of this, consider organizing content into categories or breaking down large blocks of text into narrower topics. Finally, ensure that all your key points are easily accessed from the main page and laid out logically.

No Overly Complex Words Or Jargon

The goal of CRO is to create content that resonates with visitors, leaving them feeling informed and inspired by what they’ve seen. You need compelling visuals and easy-to-understand language with no overly complex words or jargon to do this.

This approach has been proven to increase conversion rates significantly, so why not give it a try today? It could be the smartest decision you make for your business!

No Spelling Mistakes Or Grammatical Errors

Whether you’re sharing stories on the web or in print, every comma, and apostrophe matters! No matter the language or length of the message, ensuring there are no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors is key for promoting Conversion Rate optimization and increasing audience engagement.

Your Message Is Communicated Accurately

Your message must be communicated accurately – from the tone of voice and the visuals to the written language. To ensure this is done effectively, you’ll want to think carefully about how you want your message presented.

Your Content Is Visual Appealing

Visually appealing content can be made that speaks to your desired audience. Investing time researching what type of visuals will engage your customers is well spent.

You’ll likely see an increase in Conversion Rate Optimization and conversions on-site, creating a successful relationship between business and customer. After all, a picture paints a thousand words!

Your Content Is Easy To Consume

To create easily digestible content, you need to take your time to focus on presentation and structure, ensuring that your text is appropriately segmented into easy-to-follow sections and titles.

By doing this, readers will likely be more likely to engage with and absorb your content – and if they’re more likely to consume your ideas, then there’s a good chance they’ll spread the word about what you have created too.

Your Headings And Sub Headings Are Relevant

Headings and subheadings are an important part of this process – they help both customers and search engines understand what your page is about, provide structure for your text, and even help readers quickly find relevant information.

Your Content Contains Links To Relevant Content

This gives users access to more comprehensive and authoritative resources, gives them context, and increases their trust in the link. Furthermore, including relevant links keeps users interested and provides them with a better overall experience on the web.

It’s a simple yet effective way to convert your traffic into sales or leads and ensure that you retain their interest over the long term.

Your Line Length Is Between 50-75 Characters

One way to easily improve CRO is to pay attention to the length of your lines in the body text, as it helps keep work aesthetically pleasing, organized, and digestible.

A good rule of thumb is that your line length should be between 50-75 characters long. This means fewer line breaks, and readers can quickly scan through the page with improved readability.

Your Text Is Easy To Read

Visitors can follow the writing thread if the words on the page are shorter and unwieldy. You may have wonderful ideas, but if you cannot capture your readers with clear writing and thoughtfully laid out paragraphs, then those ideas are not likely to be absorbed.

Clear, succinct writing that flows naturally creates an inviting tone for readers, encouraging them to spend more time on your site.

Conversion rate optimization is key for success, and one way to ease this process is to ensure your text is easy to read. Lengthy paragraphs should be kept short and sweet, and important keywords should be highlighted or italicized for emphasis. Fonts also play an important role in readability; select one that stands out clearly from the background and looks good across multiple devices.

2. Call-To-Action Buttons

Do your button CTAs get clicks?

Your Ctas Are Hard To Miss

One of the best ways to improve your CRO is with Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons that are easy to spot, as this encourages visitors to take action on your site. Placing CTAs in prominent places like sidebars, function bars, or at the top of a landing page can ensure potential customers don’t overlook them.

Your Buttons Are The Right Color For Your Website

A little-known component of effective CRO is the color choice for your call-to-action buttons. Depending on what you’re trying to convey with each button, playing around with different shades and hues is ideal for finding the perfect fit.

As you experiment, please pay attention to how different colors evoke emotion and customer engagement — that could make all the difference in boosting your website’s overall success rate of conversions!

Each Page Has One Primary CTA

By strategically placing one primary CTA button on each page, developers can help direct users toward their desired goal. This CTA button should be carefully chosen based on the content and context of the page and should be conspicuous, giving it visual emphasis that makes it stand out from the other elements on the page.

Your Page Contains Secondary CTA (If Required)

If your page contains relevant secondary information within its content, such as additional links or more details about services offered, then consider including another call-to-action button.

These secondary CTA buttons are just as effective as primary ones – they don’t have to be the main focus, but their presence can still contribute significantly to Conversion Rate Optimization.

Your CTAs Tell Your Visitors What To Do

Clear, effective, and impactful CTAs tell your visitors exactly what action to take, making them much more likely to convert. Choosing the best CTA can seem daunting at first.

Still, some basic principles will always apply: make sure they’re prominent, use strong language to inspire action, use contrasting colors to grab attention, and optimize button placement based on user flow.

Your Buttons Have Rounded Corners

Rounded corners give traditional squares and rectangles a modern twist and create a softer aesthetic. They also add another layer of Conversion Rate Optimization by drawing the eye towards them and matching their shape with other elements on your website.

Your Buttons Are Big, Bold, And Eye-Catching

Big, bold, eye-catching buttons on your website and email campaigns can work wonders for your bottom line. But not just any button will cut it! To be effective, your call-to-action buttons must draw attention to the intended message while conveying a sense of urgency.

Your Page Contains Anchor Text Ctas

Anchor text CTAs provide an easy and streamlined way for visitors to click and make that important final decision. These types of buttons get visitors’ attention easily and give them direction regarding where they should go or what action they should take.

Your Buttons Change Color When Hovered Over

Hover effects make it easier for customers to understand how to interact with buttons and links on your site, as the change in color helps indicate that a clickable element has been activated.

People In The Photos Faces Nearby CTAs

CTAs can be placed anywhere on your website, but research shows that conversion rates often increase when placed near people’s faces or other objects in photos.

Your Buttons Use Person Pronouns

Using personal pronouns such as ‘you’ or ‘I’ in your CTA buttons demonstrates that you understand who your customers are and will ultimately create a more valuable customer experience.

Your CTAs Buttons Change Color During A Session

To add zest and drama to your site, consider having your CTA buttons change color during a session. This simple step can dramatically increase engagement with your visitors as the element of surprise ensures they keep an eye out for a new change in color on each page.

Your Site Has An Exit Intent Popup

These popups are triggered when a visitor is about to leave your website and prompt them to provide details or reengage in what you have to offer. It captures those vital moments when a visitor may have been about to slip away, instead turning them into leads and conversions.

Your CTAs Are Repeated Multiple Times

Presenting your visitors with clear and visible call-to-action buttons multiple times on the same page helps boost conversions simply by broadening your reach.

Your Buttons Are Obviously Clickable Elements

Conversion Rate Optimization is about creating an appealing interface that encourages users to click on your buttons. These elements are often designed in striking shades and accompanied by text that persuades people to take the desired action.

Your CTAs Are Separate From Other Elements

CTA buttons must be separate from other elements, such as text and images, so that they can stand out without confusion.

3. Forms

Do your forms generate leads?

Your Form Fields Are Kept To A Minimum

You should always strive to keep your form fields to a minimum. By only asking what is absolutely necessary, you can lessen the time needed to complete the form, improve clarity and undercut any fatigue associated with overly long forms.

Your Form Labels Are Clear And Simple

Form labels must be kept clear, simple, and easy to comprehend. If done correctly, labeled forms can also be used as an opportunity to add a personal touch or unique brand identity.

Your Forms Validate Dates In Real Time

Data validation ensures accuracy and prevents user confusion – after all; there’s nothing worse than entering your year of birth only to have it dismissed because it doesn’t comply with the format!

Error Message Appear Below/ Above The Fields They Represent

Ensure the error message appears directly underneath or above the field in which the error occurred. This allows users to quickly identify and address the problem rather than wading through dozens of form fields before understanding what mistake had been made.

Your Form Messages Are Clear And Helpful

Taking the time to craft messages that are both user-friendly and personal in tone helps to ensure that users follow through with their actions.

Your Forms Work Well On Mobile

It is important to ensure your web forms are easy to use on any device. Conversion rate optimization is essential to ensure visitors to your site can swiftly and efficiently complete their tasks, whatever device they use.

Required Fields Are Labeled With Asterisk

all required fields must be clearly marked with an asterisk – the classic signal that something needs attention! It’s a small detail that makes a world of difference when crafting excellent user experiences.

The Most Important Information Is Captured First

Allowing customers to quickly and easily submit relevant information is one of the best ways to optimize your conversion rates, and that’s why it’s so important to ensure that the essential data comes first in any form.

Your Form Fields Are Staked Vertically

Often overlooked, taking the time to carefully plan the layout of each field – where it appears and how it is spaced – is key for obtaining great results with your form’s conversion rate. Specifically, a good rule of thumb is to stack your form fields vertically rather than horizontally: studies have shown this ensures less scrolling and more visible fields so visitors can quickly identify how to proceed.

Longer Forms Are Splint Up Into Smaller Steps

Splitting lengthy forms into smaller chunks can significantly improve the rate of completion. By removing any unnecessary fields and breaking down the form into several short steps, users feel encouraged to complete the form in a simple and stress-free manner.

Multiple Steps Forms Have A Progress Indicator

The progress indicator lets users know they’re making progress toward completing the form. There’s something about seeing those small victories mount up – such as watching a “check percentage bar” move up as you go through a multi-step online process – that gives us hope and motivation for completing tasks.

Your Forms Starts With Steps That Are Easy To Fill

The easier it is for them to understand and fill out, the more likely they will become customers or leads. Also, enabling auto-fill options can be useful too; not only do they save visitors time but they also reduce errors in form submissions.

Labels Are Placed Above The Form Fields

Doing this allows your visitors to scan quickly through the form, understand what information they need to input into the field easily, and therefore complete their journey across your website with less friction.

Drop Down Fields Are Used Only When Necessary

While these fields can be useful for asking non-essential questions and preventing typos from entering data, They should only be used when absolutely necessary. When in doubt, opt for an open field or radio button selection, allowing users to answer quickly and accurately.

You Make It Clear When Certain Information Is Requested

It’s important to outline the required information clearly, so customers know exactly what’s needed from them. This helps ensure that all relevant data is captured and makes filling out the form quicker and easier for users.

Your Visitors Are Free To Enter the Date However They Want

It means allowing people to enter dates in normally written formats such as “24th June 2020” rather than restricting them to a single style like “2020-06-24”. Not only does this simplify entering data for all users, but it also reduces inaccuracies by eliminating confusion, resulting in fewer typos.

Your Forms Are Protected By Invisibles Captchas Or Honeypot Fields

By adding hidden fields only robots can see, spambots will get caught in the trap and give away their true identity, thus ensuring all legitimate form fillers CAN easily proceed unhindered.

Passwords Fields Have An Option To Show Passwords

By including the option for users to view their passwords on forms, Conversion Rate optimization rises considerably. This simple idea is so effective for Conversion Rate optimization because it decreases the effort users have to put in when completing login forms — something we can all appreciate!

Your Passwords Fields Are Easy To Fill

Having a secure password system for your website is essential for keeping visitors’ information safe, but having difficult fields to fill can lead to obstacles in the customer experience and prevent conversion.

Your Forms Are Populated With Auto Fill Data

Auto-fill helps make filling out forms more intuitive and efficient, reducing visitors’ time to complete them and increasing conversion rates. Its ability to instantly fill out fields based on user input helps make potential leads more likely to provide detailed information without becoming impatient or dropping off entirely.

Your Form Is Near The Top Of The Page

When you place a form near the top of the page, it’s much easier for a visitor to fill it in. You will see improved levels of customer engagement when users can move from browsing to conversion quickly and easily.

You Make It Clear For The People To Unsubscribe To Your Newsletter

By having an easy way for subscribers to opt-out of your newsletters, you can ensure that users have complete control over the information they receive while avoiding potential legal issues in the future.

Your Form Should Be Separate From Other Content

So when it comes to forms – surveys, registration requests, or contact details – they should always be positioned away from any other content, as close to the top of a page as possible. Keeping forms separated this way makes them more visible and helps ensure they stay aware of other web content.

Your Form Fields Retain User Data

This means that if the user interrupts their completion of the form (e.g., they move away from the page without finishing), then when they return to it, the data they had already filled in will still be waiting for them. This increases customer comfort and convenience and speeds up the filling-out process, ensuring that users are using their time effectively re-inputting old entries.

4. Navigation

Is your site easy to navigate?

Your Navigation Menu Is Consistent Across Your Site

When the same menu consistently appears at the top or side of a page, visitors who have been on several pages of your website can quickly navigate back and forth between sections without having to search for each page individually tediously.

Your Navigation Menu Contains 5-7 Links

Your navigation menu should contain between five and seven links that make sense to a user and give them a logical way to go from where they are to their intended destination. Consider categories like ‘Home,’ ‘About,’ ‘Services,’ or ‘Contact Us. Strategically arranging the items in your navigation menu will allow users to quickly see the most important information, encouraging them to explore more deeply and stay on your site for longer.

Your Menu Is Located At The Top Or Down The Left Of The Site

Whether located at the top of the site or down the left-hand side, your menu should be one of the first things visitors will see when they reach your webpage. Making your menu stand out and easy to read adds a certain aesthetic to your page and allows users to locate what they are looking for quickly.

Your Menu Item Names Should Be Clear And Descriptive

Create menu items that give users a good idea of ​​what could be there – such as ‘About Us, ‘Frequently Asked Questions, and ‘Contact Details. The clearer your menus are, the more likely visitors will click through to take action and make a purchase.

There Are Navigation Links On Your Footer

By keeping your navigation tight and highly organized on the footer of your website, you can make what might seem like a daunting exploration for some into an easy expedition for all.

Your Most Important Content Is Included In Your Primary Navigation

Doing this gives users the best introduction to your business and gives them the information they are looking for. This leads to better search engine optimization and key performance indicators such as time on page and bounce rate, and it also increases conversions.

Your Menu Contains Products/ Service/Category Name

Your menu is key to helping customers find exactly what they are looking for quickly and easily without becoming lost in the ocean of information. Ensure your visitors never lose sight of land, so provide descriptive and helpful titles to outline the categories and products featured on your website.

Your Menu Has Not Dropdown Or Multiple Level Flyout Menus

Users need to be able to find what they are looking for quickly and easily, and if they can, they are likely to stay on the site. Similarly, search engines use the structure of a site’s navigation to understand the content of the site and determine where it should rank in search results. That’s why it’s important to have a well-organized navigation menu that is easy to use.

Links To Your Most Important Content Are Positioned At The Both Ends Of Your Menu

Links to your key pages should be positioned at both the top and bottom of your menu, making them easily accessible no matter where a visitor is on your site. By doing this, you can make visitors more likely to see and click on your key links, leading to a higher conversion rate.

Your Website Contains A Breadcrumb Navigation

Your website should be easy to navigate so that users can find what they are looking for quickly and without hassle. Breadcrumb navigation can help by providing a clear path for users to follow. Breadcrumb navigation is a type of secondary navigation that shows the user their current location within a website.

Your menu is fully visible at all times on desktop

Keeping your menu in a fixed position will make it much easier for people to navigate your site, which will help to improve your conversion rates. Plus, it’ll just make life easier for everyone involved!

Your Menu Is Visually Separate From The Rest Of Your Content

Your menu should be visually separate from the rest of your content, making it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for. This can be achieved through color, whitespace, and other design elements.

Your Primary Navigation Contains No Home Link

Studies have shown that users are more likely to convert if they can see a home link in the navigation, as it helps to provide a sense of orientation. Instead of linking to the homepage, use your company logo and link it more creatively.

A Search Box Is Present On Your At The Top Of Your Page

Search boxes are especially important on mobile devices, where users often search for specific information while on the go. Placing a search box at the top of your page makes it more likely that customers will find what they are looking for, which can lead to increased sales and conversions.

Linked Icons Are Visually Different From Unlinked Ones

Linked icons are typically clicked on twice as often as unlinked ones. To optimize your website for conversion rates, you must ensure that your link icons are visually different from your unlinked icons.

Your website makes use of a flat navigation structure

A flat navigation structure, where all the links are on the same level, is easy to use and understand. This makes it more likely that visitors will be able to find the information they need and that they’ll stay on your site long enough to convert.

Each Level Of Your Site Looks Slightly Different

Every level of your site should look slightly different, with the main aim being to funnel users toward your desired goal. The goal is to make it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for and take the action you want them to take, whether that’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or filling out a form.

The Active Menu Item Is A Different Color

Making the active menu item a different color can help users understand where they are on the website and what options are available. It is a simple yet effective way to improve the usability of your website and increase your conversion rate.

5. Mobile Experience

Does your site deliver an exceptional mobile experience?

Your Website Is Mobile-Friendly

A mobile-friendly website not only looks great on all devices, but it’s also easier to navigate and use, which helps to improve the user experience and increase conversion rates. In short, a mobile website is essential for any business that wants to succeed in today’s market.

Your Site Loads In Less Than Two Second On Mobile

If a website takes more than two seconds to load, users will likely abandon it. This means that having a fast, responsive website is essential for businesses that want to succeed in the digital age.

Your Important Features And Content Are Easy To Find On Mobile

People are more likely to convert if they can easily find what they’re looking for on your website or app. This means that your navigation should be clear and intuitive, and your CTAs should be prominently displayed.

Your Visitors Can Email Their Shopping Cart To Themselves

Mobile email shopping carts enable customers to email their shopping carts to themselves. Hence providing a convenient way to keep track of items they are interested in and a reminder to return to your site to make a purchase.

The Search Function Shows The Most Relevant Results First

By ensuring that the most relevant results are shown first, you can make it more likely that visitors will find what they’re looking for and take the desired action.

Your Website Uses Click To All Features

Making it easy for users to find and use all of the features of your website can encourage them to stay on your site longer and explore more. In addition, clicking on all features can help to reduce the number of steps required to complete a task, making it more likely that users will complete the task.

Your Website Looks Great On All Devices

By ensuring your website is optimized for all devices, you’ll see a significant increase in Conversion Rates – which means more sales and more customers!

Your Website Has No Pagination On Mobile

Instead of using pagination links, which mobile users can ignore in their hurry to leave the page and explore other content on a site–use “load more” buttons, so they know plenty is available without having access all at once.

Filtering And Sorting Options Are Visible On the Mobile

Users can narrow the search results to find exactly what they’re looking for by having filtering and sorting options visible on mobile. This makes it more likely that they’ll find what they’re looking for and complete a purchase.

There’s Enough Space Between Clickable Elements On Smaller Screens

One key factor in delivering a good mobile experience is ensuring enough space between clickable elements. On smaller screens, it can be easy to accidentally click the wrong element if they are too close together. By spacing them out, you can reduce the chances of users making mistakes and improve the overall user experience.

Product Images Are Less Than Half The Screen Size On Mobile

By reducing the size of product images, businesses can make more efficient use of the limited-screen real estate on mobile devices. As a result, conversion rates are likely to improve as mobile users can easily find and purchase the products they’re interested in.

Make Use Of Responsive Images

Responsive images can help improve your conversion rate optimization by ensuring that your images look their best on all devices. It’s also a good idea to ensure that your website is responsive so it can be easily viewed on mobile devices.

Dropdown Filters Are Hidden On Mobile

One of the key elements of a successful mobile experience is ensuring that your dropdown filters are easily accessible. Hidden filters can make it difficult for users to find the products they’re looking for, leading to frustration and a lower conversion rate.

Your Website Uses Mobile Input Types Of Forms

You can increase your conversion rate and significantly boost your bottom line by making it easy for visitors to fill out your forms on mobile devices. So if you’re serious about conversion rate optimization, make sure your website uses mobile input types for forms.

6. Homepage

Is your homepage drawing visitors deeper into your site?

Your Value Proposition Is Communicated Immediately

By communicating your value proposition clearly and effectively, you can encourage visitors to stay on your site and learn more about what you offer.

Your Homepage Gets People Off The Homepage As Quickly As Possible

The goal of conversion rate optimization is to get people off the homepage as quickly as possible, and conversion rates are significantly higher when the homepage is optimized.

Your Home Page Keeps Things Simple

By keeping things simple, a homepage can help to optimize the user experience and boost conversion rates.

Experiment With A Shocking And Attention-Grabbing Headline

The headline is the first thing visitors will see, and it’s your chance to make a strong impression. A shocking or attention-grabbing headline can effectively get people to stop and take notice of your site.

The Homepage Hero Section Has No Slider

The homepage hero section without a slider can actually hurt conversion rates. Sliders often showcase multiple products or features, but they can confuse and distract visitors.

The Homepage Hero Section Has No Video Background

Including a homepage and video can help increase conversion rates by keeping visitors interested and engaged. So if you’re looking to optimize your website for conversion rate, remember to include a video background in your homepage hero section.

The Homepage Looks Prototypical

A well-designed homepage will be easy to navigate, and conversion rate optimization should be a key consideration. However, many websites have prototypes for their home pages that are poorly designed and fail conversion rate optimization.

The Search Box Is Visible And Easy To Find

If the search box is hidden away or difficult to find, users will give up and go elsewhere. Conversion rate optimization depends on making it easy for visitors to find what they are looking for, so be sure to place your search box prominently on the homepage.

CTAs On The Homepage Match The Buying Stage

You must match your CTAs to the buyer’s journey to maximize your conversion rate.

Your Homepage Makes Use Of Unique Imagery

One important element of homepage design is the use of unique imagery. This can help capture visitors’ attention and convey your website’s key message quickly and effectively.

The Homepage Includes Some Form Of Social Proof

Studies have shown that social proof can be an effective conversion rate optimization tool, as it helps to build trust and confidence in your products or services. If you’re looking to increase your conversion rate, adding some social proof to your homepage is a good place to start.

The Homepage Showcases Popular Products/Services

A well-designed homepage should showcase your most popular products and services and feature prominently placed calls to action. This will help to encourage visitors to stay on your site and explore what you have to offer.

The Homepage Displays Your Latest Blog Posts

Displaying your latest blog posts on the homepage gives visitors a taste of your content and lets them know what they can expect from your site.

7. Contact Page

Does your contact page generate leads?

Your Page Displays Multiples Contact Points

Your website’s contact page is important for conversion rate optimization. It should display multiple contact points, such as your phone number, email address, and social media links.

Your Contact Page Contains An FAQ Section

One important element of a successful contact page is an FAQ section. This allows visitors to quickly find answers to common questions, saving time and reducing frustration. Including an FAQ section on your contact page is a simple way to improve your conversion rate and provide a better experience for your visitors.

Your Contact Page Contains An Interactive Google Map

One easy way to improve your contact page’s conversion rate is to include an interactive map. Studies have shown that people are more likely to fill out a form or call a business if they can see exactly where it is located.

Your Contact Page Contains Include Links To Your Social Media Profiles

By including links to your social media profiles, you’ll be making it easy for potential customers to connect with you on a platform they already know about. As a result, you’ll be more likely to conversion rate optimization.

Your Contact Form Stands Out From The Rest Of The Contents

As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to improve your conversion rate. One way to do this is to ensure that your contact page stands out from the rest of your website. A well-designed contact form can help you capture leads and convert them into customers.

8. Confirmation Page

Does your ‘Thank You’ page turn enquiries into orders?

Your Confirmation Page Contains Links To Your Social Media Profiles

Your confirmation page is a critical part of your conversion rate optimization strategy. By including links to your social media profiles, you can ensure that visitors to your site can connect with you on their preferred platform.

The User’s Email Address Is Dynamically Displayed On The Page

Ensuring that the user’s email address is prominently displayed on the page reminds them that they have already provided their contact information and that they are only a few clicks away from completing their purchase. This can be an effective way to encourage users to complete their purchases and can help to increase conversion rates.

Your Confirmation Page Clearly Communicates What Will Happen Next

The page should communicate what will happen next, whether confirming an order, registering for a webinar, or downloading a white paper.

The User’s Details Are Displayed On The Confirmation Page

By displaying the user’s details on the confirmation page, you are letting them know that their action has been successful and that their information is safe. This simple step can go a long way in increasing conversion rates and building trust with your users.

The Confirmation Page Is Easy To Print And Save

By making the confirmation page easy to print and save, you can increase the chances that the customer will complete the purchase and provide their contact information.

Your Confirmation Page Cross-Sells Your Products/Services

One effective way to increase conversion rates is cross-selling products or services on the confirmation page. For example, if a customer has just purchased a product from your site, you could offer them a related product at a discounted rate.

Your Confirmation Page Contains Links To Other Sections Of Your Site

Including links to other sections of your site can also reduce bounced traffic, as it gives users a way to explore your site further, even if they didn’t find what they were looking for on the original landing page.


So there you have it, the ultimate conversion rate optimization checklist. Following these simple steps ensures that your website is primed and ready to convert visitors into customers. Of course, this is just a basic guide – if you want more specific advice or help to implement any of these changes on your website, feel free to get in touch with our team of experts. We’d be happy to help! Now it’s time for you to take action. What are you waiting for? Start optimizing your website for conversions today!